Wednesday 24 September 2014

Week Five - Birthday Lunch & Saying Goodbye

I met up with 2 of my bestest friends for dinner and child-like activities. We went for dinner at Bobby Jo's, for milkshakes and burgers then onto bowling and arcade games. We had so much fun acting like we were 10 again, its time like this were I feel so lucky to have people like them still in my life.

Just before we arrived to England, it was my Nans 90th birthday, we had planned  3 course lunch at the Roslin Hotel for her. We had the view of the sea, inside thou, as it was a little grey outside. The food was so good, and the service was great too! My nan had a wonderful day out for lunch, and waking around gardens of flowers after. It was the least I could do for her.


For my little cousins early birthday present I took him out to Adventure Island, which is a little theme park by the sea. He had been there I think once before and loved it, and now his a little older he could go on more of the rides then before! It was so much fun! He had such a great time, and asked when we can go back, I promised him next time I come home we can go to a bigger one!

Saying Goodbye to my little man!


Our last outing with my day was out to breakfast down at Ocean Beach. Enjoying our last full english and cup of proper tea, we had the pleasant view of the sand an sea. I love it here in Southend, I feel like it hasn't changed a bit and I will alway love coming back here.
My holiday as amazing and defiantly needed. Its home, and that is where my heart is.

'You can take the girl out of Essex, but you can't take Essex out of the girl!'

My nan. she is my world.

Monday 22 September 2014

Week Four - Cambridge & Cousins

I was up early on Friday morning, as we were heading into Cambridge, to see a friend of mum mums. He works at Cambridge University, so he showed us around the place, in the halls and church located there, told us a few facts about the place which were pretty cool. After having Lunch, mum and I took a little wonder around the lanes, going in and out of all the little shops and taking in all the culture. I have never been there before, but I loved it and I will really try to go back.


Next was a trip to Saffron Walden to see my mums friend. She lives on a little house boat, it was interesting to say the least. I have not stayed on one before and I don’t think I will in the future, aha. Apart from that it was lovely to have a home cooked meal and just relaxing with a glass of wine in the sun set of summer. After a relaxing night, we went to a place called Audely End. Its a house which was built in the late 1400’s, it was so beautiful and lovely to see all the history, and the gardens were so lovely.

You can find out how to visit -


Sunday lunch was planned to met my two ‘new’ cousins. Since I moved to Australia, my uncle has had two girls, (5 & 3) and they are the cutest two I have met!
The oldest one is such a chatter box and wants the spotlight on her 24/7, and the younger one is the a little shy but still so cute!
We had lunch at the Rose Inn, it has a little play area for the girls to explore and adventure on. After a beautiful roast dinner, we head back to Nans, for a cup of tea and cake.